Retro Machina: Where Can You Find A Good Mechanic? Find Out Next Month

Retro Machina: Where Can You Find A Good Mechanic? Find Out Next Month
Source: Steam

A retro title – literally – but this upcoming action-puzzler is a brand new game from Orbit Studio, only with a funky title: Retro Machina. Heading to PC, P4, Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch next month.

Playing as an ickle robot, you explore a world without humanity as you search for a way to repair yourself. More importantly, you wander the five biomes of Endeavour City, piecing together who built the place and why.

Retro Machina - Good luck
Good luck with your endeavours. Source: Steam

Published by Super (great name), Retro Machina has the following features:

  • Missing: Humanity — Endeavor City is dutifully maintained by a fleet of dedicated robot workers, keeping things in tip-top shape for their human masters… only, there haven’t been any humans seen in a really, really long time. It’s up to you to get to the bottom of this enigma and unravel the mystery!
  • Can’t Someone Else Do It? — Use your hacking abilities to manipulate and control your foes, changing them into helpful allies or turning them against each other! Some puzzles simply can’t be solved on your own, and there’s no shame in asking for — or simply demanding — help from electronic pals better equipped for the situation.
  • The Future is Bleak and Beautiful — Explore five hand-drawn and entirely unique biomes, including the abandoned Nucleonics Labs, the run-down Atomic City, the wet-n-wild (really, really wet now) Marine Nation, and the intimidating and mysterious Serendipity Mountain.
  • Inspired by the Greats — The world of Retro Machina is exactly what it says on the tin, taking inspiration from science-fiction greats like Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and the legendary futurist concept artist Jacque Fresco.

Have a look-see at the trailer below:

Retro Machina will be launched on the 12th of May for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. Wishlist it and play the demo on Steam as below.