Rhythm Fighter Unleashes The Courier Penguin

Rhythm Fighter Unleashes The Courier Penguin
Source: PR

Introducing a new character to Rhythm Fighter, this rogue-like just got tougher with the introduction of a penguin.

Even pacifists like a good ol’ fight – especially the beat of a drum, synth or spoons. In Coconut Island’s (pssst – it’s in Chinese) latest update, they’ve introduced the courier penguin to the mix.

Full-time dad, part-time messenger, the Courier Penguin comes equipped with aerial skills and bears, and can quite frankly, kick seven bells out of delivery rival, Sam Porter Bridges. That guy keeps falling over anyway.

Rhythm Fighter is a rogue-like action beat ’em up that follows a tempo to defeat your enemies – a bit like Terrorhythm (TRRT), but with more penguins. The goal is to reach Commander Chaos and punish him for his illegal use of Beat Energy which has turned Earth’s vegetables to an evil order. Vegans rejoice!

Rhythm Fighter - Choose
Chosen one. Source: PR

Collaborating with the makers of MUSYNX, they’re also added new weapons and items inspired by said title, as well as a new playable song directly from MUSYNX.

Rhythm Fighter is a new one for me, and I’ll aim to review it on here and see how the penguin plays out. In the meantime, here’s an introduction:

You can either buy the game now via Steam, or at least trial it with the available demo and see whether if you have rhythm. And muscles.