Risk System Shmups It's Way To PlayStation

Risk System on PlayStation
Source: PR

Wow, we’re spoilt for choice with shmups at the moment, and Risk System jumps onto the list, waving the flag for old school 16-bit shooters.

From Hidden Trap and Newt Industries, the game is a hand-crafted sci-fi experience with a hint of anime. Launched last year on the Nintendo Switch, it’s now the PlayStation’s chance.

Unlike some traditional shmups, Risk System employs a unique way to attack your enemies: ‘you charge your attacks by getting as close as possible to enemy fire or taking damage’. Note that the last bit doesn’t say ‘without taking damage’. Phew.

Here’s Risk System’s trailer (albeit, an old one):

Besides the Switch, the game is available on PC as well, but this is the PS4‘s party, so stop stealing the limelight. Out now.