Rule The Roads In Road Defence: Outsiders During Steam Next Fest

Rule The Roads In Road Defence: Outsiders During Steam Next Fest
Source: Steam

Road Defence: Outsiders looks like Desert Strike on the original Game Boy. I say that with affection – I loved that game and kinda liked the original handheld. However, there are no helicopters. That I know of.

Before reading the PR, I watched the video and immediately liked this game from Minicactus Games. Why are we writing about it? It’s coming to Steam Next Fest in a couple of weeks. The demo that is.

You only have one job, and that’s to protect the cars on the road. You’ll manually defend said vehicles with your mad skills, but will employ towers to protect your convoys.

Key features in Road Defence: Outsiders include:

  • It is important to remember that in this game you protect vehicles that are in motion. Therefore, crafting a dynamic strategy is critical to succeeding in the levels you must overcome.
  • When killing an enemy he releases an orb. Collect all the orbs you can as this will make your level bar fill up. Each time your level bar fills, you can improve your own abilities, such as your speed, your health, the damage you do, the firerate, among many others.
  • Different types of criminals will attack you. Each of them has unique characteristics. Some of them use an iron bar, others have weapons of different types and there are even suicide equipped with bombs. Never let them get close to you or the protected vehicle.
  • Managing the money received and knowing the right stretch to invest safely will surely save many lives.

Here’s that trailer that got me interested:

Road Defence: Outsiders will be available from the 13th of June, when the Steam Next Fest begins.