Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) Offers A Free Trial Of Horse Theft And Cheating

Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) Offers A Free Trial Of Horse Theft And Cheating
Source: Steam

Watching the trailer for Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) made me realise I’ve seen a bit of it before but forgot all about it. Shame on me. At the time, it was touted as a medieval GTA – that should be enough, surely.

Heading to Early Access next month, the game from Jutsu Games and Games Operators is an open-world experience where you play The Guy, finding a way to fit into society, all covered in muck. The goal in Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) is to profit from others, be it stealing, robbing and cheating.

Featuring a top-down perspective, from the old school version of GTA, you can follow the story path or cause mayhem, either on foot or by stealing a horse. Fights frequently take place too – either with your fists, a sword or even an automatic crossbow.

Rustler Prologue - There has been a murder
There has been a murder. Source: Steam

The humour is key here in Rustler (Grand Theft Horse), a lot of inspiration drawn from Monty Python. Rather than me type any more, here’s a copy and paste on what to expect:

Be a bold, bald thug in a medieval sandbox

The world of Rustler is filled with humor, anachronisms, and pop culture references. Remember Monty Python? Ever been towed for parking in a “NO HORSE ZONE”? Wanna do some cage fights in Medieval Martial Arts Arena? Or maybe pimp-a-horse a little? How about joining the Round-Earthers sect?

Wreak havoc with top-down, old-school combat

Use swords, spears, turds, and crossbows. Not efficient enough? Try throwing a holy hand grenade or… horses. Nothing’s more deadly than hooves galloping in your direction. Or drifting a cart.

Screw everyone over to win half the kingdom

As a poor peasant, you’ll need to get creative to win the Great Tournament™. Form weird alliances, double-cross your foes, and dig up dinosaur skeletons in a light, easy-to-understand, and hard-to-empathize-with story.

Hire bards to aid you musically in battle

A bard can be your sweaty personal radio. Not only will he not leave your side, even in the midst of the bloodiest of conflicts, he will also change the song’s dynamic depending on the action on-screen. Moreover, you can express a desire to change the tune by punching him in the face.

A lot of horsin’ around

Shoot cows into the sky, dress up as a guard or even Death himself, burn entire piles of weed, draw fancy shapes with a plowing cart, survive a full-on guard onslaught after killing half the city… And that’s only a few of the many crazy things you can do in Rustler.

Here’s the trailer for Rustler (Grand Theft Horse):

The good news is that you can try it today with the Rustler: Prologue demo. The bad news? There isn’t any – well, the Early Access is available from the 18th of February. Go on then – go nick a horse.