Saints Row The Third Remastered Out In Late May

Saints Row The Third Remastered Out In Late May

As refreshing as a babies rear whistle, Saints Row The Third Remastered comes to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this May with such mastery skills that you’d think Deep Silver have undertaken witchcraft.

While all the cool kids, nerdy kids and those weird ones that fit in the middle were playing the likes of Grand Theft Auto, I discovered the Saints Row series and absolutely loved it.

The humour, variety and story in Saints Row The Third were so far-fetched, so ridiculous, that it made my job as an elephant juggler quite lame. Unlike GTA, you could choose your character and customise them to be ‘in your image’, with a fair share of purple. That’s the Saints’ colour, innit?

So, nine years after the original, Saints Row The Third Remastered rears its head to remind people who played the game how good it was/is, and gain a new audience in the process. But it’s not just smoothing out edges – they’ve got gull out from remodelling weapons to redesigning the cars and retexturing the city. It’s insane, like the game.

Saints Row The Third Remastered - Here's Johnny
Here’s Johnny! (sort of). Source: PR

Sperasoft claims the update for Saints Row The Third Remastered, having reworking 4,000 assets, enhanced graphics and a new lighting engine. But it’s important to remember, that while it looks all spunky and brand new, the fundamental gameplay is brilliant.

I’ll skip the story as you need to play Saints Row The Third Remastered for yourself. It’s mental. In the meantime, here are just some of the features – including more than 30 DLC items tucked in like a pair of budgie smugglers:

  • The Full Package, Remastered – With enhanced graphics, improved lighting, reworked environments, and visual effects, Steelport and The Third Street Saints have never looked so good. 
  • City of Sin – Disrupt and dismantle the Syndicate stranglehold on weapons, cybercrime, and criminal rackets. Discover the secrets of Steelport, where there is action on every street corner, for better or, more likely, worse.
  • Weapons of Crass Destruction – It’s one thing to defeat your enemies. It’s another to humiliate them. Hover jets, human cannonball cars and outrageous melee weapons are all part of the fun.
  • Crazy Character Customisation – Create the most outlandish characters ever seen, from washed-up celebrities to maskless ninja pirates. Inside every sinner, there is a Saint. Who will you become?
  • Over The Top Co-op – Fly solo or play online with a homie. Give freefall skydiving a try, landing in your partner’s flaming pickup as you make a desperate run toward a heavily armed Syndicate base. Steelport is always more fun with a friend.
  • All DLC included – All three expansion mission packs and more than 30 pieces of DLC from the original version.

Saints Row The Third Remastered will be out on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One from the 22nd May, and I can’t wait!