Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood Heads Into The Woods Again And Again

Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood Heads Into The Woods Again And Again
Source: Steam

Comparing Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood to Oz meets Groundhog Day sounds intriguing, but those aren’t my words. Still, it’s enough to lure me in and let you know about this one.

Check out the Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood review

Then we get to the developer and publisher: Devespresso Games and Headup Games respectively. Say no more. Well actually, let’s say a little more in case you’re new to life: they collaborated on the excellent The Coma series – read the review for number 2 here.

Back to Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood. It’s a game illustrated by Minho Kim and written by T.L. Riven, so we’re in comfort territory in this puzzle adventure that features a time loop of story paths, hence the Groundhog Day reference.

Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood - Trust
Don’t trust her! Source: Steam

On release, players will get the first four chapters, with several updates and later chapters coming in late February, the final chapter scheduled for March.

Key features:

  • Survive a narrative time-loop.
  • Solve ridiculous puzzles.
  • Follow your own multi-path story.
  • Unlock multiple endings based on your decisions.
  • Ogle the hand-illustrated graphics.
  • Use Scarlet’s witching skills to avoid detection.

The story? You play Scarlet, a Dorothy-like character who has been transported to the land of Glome, a land filled with magic and ‘mysterious bygone culture’. Naturally, she takes up the position of Red Witch, commanding a legion on Munchkins in the forbidden Wicked Wood.

It all sounds very fantasy-like, and here’s the arc: she finds a Recursion Hex that forces her to relive the same day, but with multiple deaths, she can take new paths solving puzzles and perhaps reversing the curse?

If we’re basing this on The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters (as I still haven’t got around to the first one), we’re in for a treat. The visuals were excellent, and in the example screenshots, Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood looks on par. But that’s just my opinion – I’m keen to see how this plays out – the loop aspect is a massive lure.

Don’t take my word for it, watch some moving pictures:

But how do I find out more about ol’ Scarlet Hood and the Wicked WoodHop on over to Steam to wishlist now. Go on.