SEN Seven Eight Nine Out In February

SEN Seven Eight Nine Out In February

Out next month is a new puzzle game entitled SEN Seven Eight Nine, from publisher Indie Champions, developed by Locogame.

As always, I cover news that is of interest to me, mostly, and while I’m a little biased with adventure games, I like to consider that I still have some intelligence and play puzzle games too. The problem I find is that they’re often regurgitated titles that are clones of well-known titles, or they’re relatively stripped down in presentation, but loaded with ads (the mobile games, that is).

SEN: Seven Eight Nine
Work it out yourself!

When I saw the details for SEN Seven Eight Nine, there were two ingredients that pulled me in immediately: zen and minimalistic. Far from zen-like in my life, I do like to adopt the lifestyle whenever feasible and minimalism is an art itself that appeals to me – especially in game design as it is relatively rare.

I know little else about SEN Seven Eight Nine at the moment but aware that there are no tutorials or instructions. You have to figure it out yourself. Like I’ve said time and time again, I see things in different shades of grey rather than black and white, so not having my hand held is appealing. Whether the game lives up to that, will depend on the gameplay and overall experience.

From what I understand, it has been influenced by The Witness. My expectations increase by the day. It’s out on the 6th February on the Nintendo eShop, but also on Steam and mobile devices.

Watch this space as I’ll be reviewing this very soon.