SENSE: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story - Another Cyberpunk Indie, This Time For The Switch

SENSE: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story - Another Cyberpunk Indie, This Time For The Switch
Source: PR

Aren’t you sick of cyberpunk now? Not me. I’m happy to ride the genre wave – anything that challenges zombie dominance, especially if it’s an indie title. This one is called SENSE: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, from Eastasiasoft, and it’s out this week.

News of the game hit my inbox over Christmas, but like you, I was half cut, blending the days of the week into one big blob. However, SENSE: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story has more prominence due to some backlash from social media, forcing the developers, Top Hat Studios, to make a public statement.

This has further piqued my interest, but I’m holding back on reading any more on what the issues are, instead, playing the game then having an opinion seems the logical thing to do. So, what’s it all about? 

Sense A Cyberpunk Ghost Story - Zipper
Zipper controversy. Yes, lazy captioning for the first news piece of the year. Source: PR

A 2.5D side-scrolling set in a dystopian future (we have George Orwell to thank for that), SENSE: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story also moonlights as a survival horror. Expect exploration and problem-solving in a game that ‘celebrates the slow, cerebral creep of dread instead of relying on over-the-top action or jump scares’.

Set in 2083 (is this gospel then – somethings gonna happen around this time?), you play Mei Lin Mak, tasked with investigating the ruins of Chong Sing Appartments that links 14 lost souls and her family curse in a paranormal tale that fuses ghost encounters with the real world, seen through cybernetic eyes.

Fancy a trailer?

What is this SENSE: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story controversy? Find out yourself on the 7th of January for the Nintendo Switch, read about it on social media from people who haven’t played it, or perhaps watch this space for a review.