Shadows Over Loathing Out Now

Shadows Over Loathing Out Now
Source: Steam

Like to look at the world in black and white? Perhaps Shadows Over Loathing is the game for you, the surprise follow-up to 2017’s West of Loathing.

An open-world single-player comedy adventure/RPG, our story takes place in the prohibition era of the Loathing universe. Your job is to assist Uncle Murray in his antique shop, but he’s not there when you arrive.

Shadows Over Loathing is ‘vastly larger’ than its Wild West counterpart, comprising 1920s slang, strategic turn-based combat, inappropriate fishing, cursed antiques, and more stick figures than you can shake a… stick at?

Honestly, I’m unfamiliar with its predecessor, but watch this trailer, and, you too might be drawn into this surreal universe:

Asymmetric’s follow-up is out now and features a launch discount of 15% until the 19th of November. Deets below.