Ship Graveyard Simulator: Submarines DLC - Get Subs

Ship Graveyard Simulator Submarines
Source: Steam

If my humble little site is your go-to source for gaming news, I apologise for the lack of up-to-date info of late as I’m currently on a boss stage equivalent of life and definitely underpowered. So let’s distract ourselves with the new Ship Graveyard Simulator DLC.

Already smashed the back doors in on a tanker? How about taking out that anger on a submarine? That’s right: Ship Graveyard Simulator: Submarines is precisely that as you can now have one delivered to your doorstep for salvaging.

Now, this might be a clever bit of wording from Games Incubator and Playway, but apparently, ‘submarines have always been on the radar of many players’. Geddit? But it’s not just the subs as you can purchase new tents, upgrade your house, increase carrying capacities and more.

Below is the latest Ship Graveyard Simulator: Submarines trailer:

The DLC will be out in Q2 2022 (that’s soon), so add it to your wishlist using the non-affiliated link below.