Shores Of Taishi DLC For Curious Expedition 2 Out Tomorrow

Shores Of Taishi DLC For Curious Expedition 2 Out Tomorrow
Source: Steam

Due to several titles on the go, I’m a bit behind with a few, and considering the quality of Curious Expedition 2, I’d like to give it my undivided attention. Should that state even exist…

This news post, in fear of not being able to write about ‘stuff’ on the launch, is about Shores of Taishi – the latest DLC for Maschinen-Mensch game, featuring new content. Naturally.

Included in this latest update is the following:

  • A new island type – Celestial Shores
  • A completely new set of tiles
  • A new game mechanic that showcases teleporting (crikey!)
  • A new tribe called the Peacock Tribe
  • 6 new characters, including Red Panda, Tanuki, Ghost Catcher and Warrior Peacock. Fortunately, Red Panda isn’t a pre-pubescent girl from the Mouse House

The above is a homemade list for Shores of Taishi, so let’s summarise by saying there are six new enemy types, four new locations, six new pieces of equipment, seven new Sanity items, seven new Trophies and “more”.

Here’s a trailer:

Of course, if this all sounds like witchcraft, you can read the Curious Expedition 2 review to find out what it’s all about. Shores of Taishi DLC is out tomorrow (19th May 2022).