Shwip It, Shwip It Good! Twin-Stick With A Whip Out Next Month

Shwip out of Early Access
Source: Steam

Twin-stick shooters are great, aren’t they? We don’t need fancy gimmicks or reinventing the genre, but Early Access title Shwip is a shmup from Jamhammer Games that features a whip.

I had to check out some videos as this sounds mental, but on the surface, it’s a traditional balls-to-the-wall affair featuring swarms of enemies and lightning reflexes if you hope to stay alive and make it on the scoreboards.

Shwip - Digital confetti
Digital confetti. Source: Steam

But it doesn’t stop them as Shwip features four game modes, some conventional, some based on skill, others a laugh with mates during an air-hockey inspired arena for local multiplayer. Or go it alone and climb those global leaderboards, as previously mentioned.

Here’s a trailer for you:

Initially Early AccessShwip gets a full release on the 3rd of August 2021. Check out the Steam page below.