Taking A SIDE BULLET In This Upcoming Summer Battle Royale

SIDE BULLET coming to PS5
Source: Press A

Should SIDE BULLET look as good as the announcement trailer, then we’re in for a treat. However… looking at the gameplay screenshots, it looks nothing like the cinematic, but the visuals still look pretty damn tasty.

But looks aren’t everything (ask my wife). Let’s look at the type of game we can expect this summer on the PS5. Well, it’s a side-scrolling battle royale shooter from Press A, and it’ll be free-to-play, so stop whinging about the graphics.

SIDE BULLET (yes, ALL CAPS) takes place in an urban concrete, and you have to fight other players and strange monsters. You can choose your character from eight cartels, each with a unique perk and special weapon. Fab.

Check out the trailer below:


I would point you toward the SIDE BULLET store page, but it’s in Korean, and unless you’re brainy and can read both languages, I’m going to assume it won’t help. Look out for future updates, or subscribe to the YouTube channel. Come on. I’m not doing everything for you.