Silence Channel Keeps The Radiowaves Spooky In New Demo

Silence Channel Keeps The Radiowaves Spooky In New Demo
Source: Steam

Back to Horror Monday’s and we get news on Silence Channel, a horror adventure from Lexip Games, who also made a game I’ve been stuck on for some time, Dark Room.

Like the game before it, the visuals are fantastic and have that realism to it that makes me fill my pants just watching the teaser trailer. It’s a first-person point and click where you play as John Martin, an investigative reporter.

John heads to a remote location after rumours of unexplainable sightings, arriving on a particularly foggy morning. His goal? to snag some interviews, collate some photos and build up a case. What he doesn’t realise is it’s much more terrifying than he had imagined.

Following on from Dark Room, you have to unlock doors and decipher puzzles to unlock the mysteries and perhaps, as a survival element too as you’re not entirely sure what’s out there.

Available as a playable demo, you can download it via Steam, alternatively, watch the trailer below for a glimpse of what you’re getting into…

The release date for Silence Channel is the 18th of February 2021 for Steam.