Slime Girl Smoothies; A Blend Of Mixology And Dating

Slime Girl Smoothies; A Blend Of Mixology And Dating
Source: Eastasiasoft

I hope the staff at Eastasiasoft are ok. Surely there’re sleeping under their desks due to the number of games coming out lately. Or maybe, more realistically, they’re doing ‘overtime’ by playing all these titles. This post? It’s about another one out next week called Slime Girl Smoothies.

Without knowing anything about it other than the title and it being Eastasiasoft, I was keen to play this regardless, but after watching the moving pictures, realised that it’s a puzzle game that could be very moreish.

Set in Slimy’s bar, Slime Girl Smoothies is a mix of puzzle elements and dating – the perfect concoction! You actually play a floor manager, helping the girls create unique drinks, get the punters rat-arsed, and unlock loads of goodies.

Key features include:

  • Fill drink orders with addictive and engaging puzzle mechanics!
  • Watch slime girls mix ingredients using their unique assets.
  • Get to know the bartenders through dialogue and event CGs!
  • Enjoy voiceovers that could make you melt.
  • Unlock a collection of juicy images as you progress!

Here’s the trailer:

Slime Girl Smoothies is out next week on the 4th of August, 2023, priced at US$14.99/€14.99, and will be available on the Nintendo Switch.