Snipperclips Switch Review

Snipperclips: Cut It Out Together! Featured image

We all know what Snipperclips is now right? Follow my lead and I’ll take you into the world of snipping. And falling out with friends. Snipperclips is a two-player game guaranteed to test the best friendships. Reason being: you rely on your partner to complete a challenge. And vice versa.

This was one of the launch titles that persuaded me to buy a Switch in the first place. The demos were great. There were often two reviewers streaming and apparently having a lot of fun. Nothing like the acting from the 1-2-Switch promos. Yeah… Only missing from these playthroughs were the imminent fisticuffs when the other person didn’t follow through. I’m talking about commands, not soiling oneself.

Communication is key. That and snipping

Your role in Snipperclips is to communicate with your partner to solve a puzzle by modifying your character’s appearance, which is made out of coloured paper. It starts off with their two original forms and you simply overlap one another, press a button and your shape cuts into theirs giving you a new shape to solve the puzzle. The concept is better in practice.

One example that comes to mind is cutting twice into one of the characters diagonally so you make a point. With your new point, you can pop a balloon or hit a switch. And so on. . This point can then be used to burst a balloon, hit a switch and so on. Making these shapes is easy as you can rotate the characters with the shoulder buttons and snip away – make a mistake and they can just regenerate again. Easy to learn but tricky to master.

Approaching Snipperclips with a friend

There are two factors to consider – the obvious is how are you going to solve this puzzle in question, the second factor which is arguably the bigger challenge: how are you going to communicate this to your gaming buddy? Not as easy as it sounds and not as simple as just playing on your own – that defeats the purpose of the game. But is possible. But seriously, just play with a friend, or make a new one. Or three more as this is also a four-player. Nice.

The four-player party mode is a nice touch and good fun for a small group. Your character gets cut to pieces on a regular basis, not just for the level but you’re bound to have an evil friend who gets a kick out of cutting your pal up (in the game!). Maybe you’re the evil one? Either way, you don’t lose health and you don’t lose time – it’s just one of the ways to play about with one other until the penny drops and you know, this time, what will work. Another party game to consider if this isn’t your thing is Toridama: Brave Challenge. Just sayin’.

Further DLC available to early adopters

The version of Snipperclips I bought was the launch title so it’s from the eShop. However, not too long after the success online, Nintendo released a physical version. Now, I don’t have that version yet but I intend to. The later release is Snipperclips Plus: Cut It Out Together! and features 40 extra levels. You can actually buy the DLC separately if you already have the eShop version, however, if given a choice, I would always opt for a physical copy whenever I can.

If you already have a Switch you most likely already have this. As the Switch has been out for 2 years now at the time of writing this (21:31), aside from Zelda: Breath of the Wild, some of the launch titles may be overlooked (hint, hint 1-2-Switch). So, with that said, if you don’t have this yet, at least try the demo but do bring a friend. You don’t want to play this on your own. It’s scary. It’s not. I’m being facetious.