Song Of Farca Into The Mainframe From 21st July 2021

Song Of Farca on PC
Source: PR

There’s a thirst for hacker-like titles with games such as Watchdogs and numerous indie cyberpunk titles, but now it’s time for Wooden Monkeys’ hacker-detective title, Song Of Farca.

Published by Premium, who have a penchant for unique surveillance titles such as Beholder and Do Not Feed The Monkeys, you play Isabella Song – a hacker that can get into computers, phones and cameras to uncover ‘crimes committed around the fractured, gang, and corporate-controlled city of Farca’.

Song Of Farca - Maurice
Maurice. Source: PR

Song of Farca is our vision of a near-future where humanity hasn’t achieved space travel or eternal life yet but is rushing headlong into a world dominated by technology and gadgets. A world where personal data can be obtained in two clicks and criminal groups can be destroyed using a device. Where digital bullying can easily push someone into crossing the line. Where all the powers of Big Brother are just another handy tool for experienced hackers.

David Aramyan, Founder of Wooden Monkeys Studio

Perhaps she could be considered a vigilante in this Black Mirror-style atmosphere set in the US futuristic city Farca. Without being able to rely on the corrupt government, she takes matters into her own hands.

Key features in Song Of Farca include:

  • Launch drones and hack into people’s private messages to uncover secrets
  • Question suspects and draws conclusions using biometric data  
  • Assemble a base of evidence  
  • Analyze clues using AI  
  • Make crucial decisions and deal with the consequences  

Here’s a trailer:

Song Of Farca is out on Steam tomorrow, the 21st July 2021, the Epic Games Store and GOG.