Spiritfarer Stealth Launches, Surprising The Living

Spiritfarer Stealth Launches, Surprising The Living
Source: PR

Out now on almost every platform, Spiritfarer – a death management game that is far from being as morbid at the concept may first appear.

I saw this game a week or so ago and meant to mention it, so while it’s not entirely news, in some ways it is? That’s a confident start.

Spiritfarer is a management game by Thunder Lotus, unlike any other: you’re the ferry master to the deceased. You have to build a boat to ‘befriend and care for spirits before finally releasing them into the afterlife’.

Spiritfarer - Sunset
Sunset. Source: PR

As Stella, you can farm, mine, fish, harvest, cook and craft and can switch to a two-player co-op with the other player controlling Daffodil the cat. In an ambitious approach to gameplay, you get to learn how to say goodbye to cherished friends. Very deep.

This was quite a stealthy release, and the devs haven’t hidden that fact to catch us unawares:

We took what is by far our biggest, most ambitious production yet, and decided to up the ante by releasing Spiritfarer simultaneously on almost every system under the sun. Our fans have been so patient, waiting for us just to say ‘when’. Well, I’m happy to tell them: the time is now! Spiritfarer is a game that’s near and dear to our hearts, so we hope you’ll set sail with us.

Spiritfarer Creative Director Nicolas Guérin

Watch the trailer here!

Spiritfarer has been launched for a good selection of platforms; Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass, Steam, Epic Games Store, GOG and the NES. Not the latter, Stella already hugged it and sent it to the afterlife 🙁