SPORTAL Will Help You Score

Celebrate the 1950's next year in pure, SPORTAL fashion with this upcoming FPS movie-themed action game for Steam.

1950-themed FPS SPORTAL coming in 2025
Source: Steam

Lots of scoring and swinging jokes should follow, but SPORTAL is an upcoming sport-themed FPS where vintage sporting merchandise becomes deadly weapons to be used against 1950s-style movie monsters, naturally set in 1950s America.

Developed by Sleepwalking Potatoes (should be a game in itself) and Retrovibe (B.I.O.T.A.), players find themselves locked into a movie-themed setting where they have to make use of spiked baseballs, lightning-infused hockey pucks and razor-wire bowling bowls to defeat the monsters that appeared after a portal appears at a movie theater.

Key features of SPORTAL include:

  • Vast array of sporting goods that are now your monster killing weapons!
  • 6 movie themed arenas filled with exotic props and special themes
  • Famous movie monsters hellbent on getting you
  • Tens of upgrades for each of the sporting weapons
  • Combos, secrets, skill shots and more!!
  • Retro stylised pixelated look with a serious 50's vibe

SPORTAL is coming to PC via Steam in 2025. Wishlist it here: