Star Wars Republic Commando Returns, This Time For Switch and PS4

Star Wars Republic Commando coming soon
Source: PR

A little known sci-fi franchise that’s a bit like Star Trek, gets a reboot for the Nintendo Switch and PS4: Star Wars Republic Commando. Maybe you’ve heard of the series?

Now that I’m lost all respect from Star Wars fans and Trekkies, let me explain for anyone else. Back in 2005, Lucasfilm Games released the title with much acclaim from fans.

Set during the Clone Wars, Star Wars Republic Commando is a first-person tactical shooter where you command a squad of clones, courtesy of Aspyr on publishing duties.

Commanding Delta Squad, which comprises, Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev, you travel through the galaxy, wiping out the enemy in a responsible way. As it says here, to ‘relive the legendary campaign’.

Check out the trailer below:

Star Wars Republic Commando is heading to the Switch and PS4 on April the 6th, priced at $14.99. If you have any other currency, it’s free. Scratch that – you have to pay for it like everyone else.