A Round Up Of Steam Next Fest October 2021

A Round Up Of Steam Next Fest October 2021
Source: Steam

When life gives you lemons, erm… put them in the cupboard? When Steam Next Fest 2021 arrives, uninstall all those games you’ve been hoarding and play as many demos as possible! That was my intention, but with only a week to play them and having non-gaming things to do, well…

Here’s a round-up of some of the best games I played during Steam Next Fest – subsequently, titles I reckon you should add to your wishlist.

Bulb Boy: Jar Of Despair

A new Bulb Boy, but this time the colours have extended past those green hues, and it’s in Technicolor! As before, our favourite bulb has to encounter some horrid things in the pursuit of… jam.

Bulb Boy Jar of Despair
Bulb Boy Jar of Despair. Source: Steam

The same point and click mechanics exist, but besides getting a new lick of paint, he now gives Stretch Armstrong a run for his money as his arms have a seemingly infinite reach. If you liked the first one, this instalment has to be worth watching.

Mechanic 8230

Already on my wishlist, this has leapfrogged a few places so that it’s near the top. Featuring some gorgeous visuals, it’s another, surprise, point and click adventure.

Mechanic 8230
Mechanic 8230. Source: Steam

As the titular mechanic, while working your envious position of sifting through the trash, you stumble upon a robot RO-2. Rather than send him to the incinerator, compactor – whatever, he decides to rescue him, much to the disdain of his employers. The presentation here is so distracting – I fell in love with the art style immediately.


I’d never heard of this game, but the artwork looked nice – why not take a chance and give it a whirl? I was not disappointed. You play a fox on the run from a forest disaster, retreating to her home to take care of her babies.

Endling. Source: Steam

When one of them is stolen, you have to mix your time between finding food and feeding the others while searching for the one that has been captured using your instincts and stealth abilities. Interestingly, it’s a side-scroller where you can shift direction diagonally, making full use of the scenery.

Unusual Findings 

From the folk that brought us Darkestville Castle (a great game), comes a title that I thought was more a parody than anything worth mentioning. However, the pixel art point and click style were spot-on, and the voice acting even better.

Unusual Findings
Unusual Findings. Source: Steam

It gives the impression that this is a Stranger Things style game, but it’s probably more on par with the pop culture films and shows that the former replicates; The ExplorersThe GooniesStand By Me(?) and so on. Definitely excited about his one.

Blind Fate: Edo No Yami

This was covered a couple of days ago, and since playing, it have been mightly impressed. As a cyber samurai, you have to locate data to build up your surroundings as you cannot view them otherwise; you’re blind.

Blind Fate Edo no Yami demo
Source: Steam

Not seeing your enemy unless you repeatedly attack them is an interesting mechanic and works well here. The demo was up before the Steam Next Fest (maybe…), so if you still see it up after today, download it and try it out.

Born Punk

What Steam Next Fest experience would be complete without a point and click – especially when my choice is dominated by the genre? Born Punk is similar to Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders (October 2021 reference) in it’s an old school point and click (but with verb wheels).

Born Punk
Born Punk. Source: Steam

This is a cyberpunk game that isn’t fighting for air from dystopian themes; instead, possession. There are three characters in the game, and they’re all connected somehow. Insert Disk 22’s upcoming game ‘in the near future’, is one to add.

Do Not Buy This Game

This is an odd choice, but I stuck it out, and my interest was piqued. It’s a very self-aware experimental sort of game that moves at an alarmingly slow pace that has you question whether it’s a social experiment or not.

Don't Buy This Game
Don’t Buy This Game. Source: Steam

With only the narrator as company, it was pleasing to note that they had enough charisma to have me put my way up to the top of the tower to press the button. What was the button for? Wishlist it and find out. Just don’t buy it.

Cleo – A Pirate’s Tale

When I was using Instagram, Cleo – A Pirate’s Tale was the account I was watching the most. A crowd-funded pixel art adventure, this demo was a treat and well worth waiting for.

Cleo A Pirate Tale
Cleo A Pirate Tale. Source: Steam

I’m in love with the art style and have been since following solo dev Christoph Schultz’s progress – he’s done everything here. It’s not a point and click but has those elements as it features combat, as well as the bespoke card game Kraken Fodder.

Due for a release in late 2021, do put this one on your list. It’s titles like these that make Steam Next Fest so worth waiting for.