Steve Jackson's Sorcery! Magic For The Switch

Steve Jackson's Sorcery! Magic For The Switch
Source: Steam

Steve Jackson’s Sorcery… anyone who grew up with Livingstone and Jackson’s ‘Choose Your Own Adventures’ will be relishing in the knowledge that Inkle and No Gravity Games will be releasing this for the Nintendo Switch.

As a huge fan back in the day, I would meticulously support the books’ spine to peek at the consequences ahead, commit to it, then a few pages on, meet my demise. They were fantastic stories, and Jackson was, and is, a top raconteur.

This Steve Jackson’s Sorcery collaboration with Inkle, who recently released the excellent Heaven’s Vault, also for the Nintendo Switch, focuses on Sorcery! Parts 1-4, allowing players to ‘determine the flow of the plot and the gameplay’.

Previously released on PC and mobile, all four chapters will be available at launch, sometime in Q3 2021. In the meantime, you can pick up the game on Steam if you don’t have a Switch.