Stilstand Is The Debut Game From Artist Ida Hartmann Out This Month

Stilstand Is The Debut Game From Artist Ida Hartmann Out This Month
Source: Steam

Coming to PC and mobile this month is Stilstand, an interactive graphic novel that explores being alienated in modern society.

Gamers used to be able to identify with that; now it’s the norm to be either a YouTuber or stream – am I right? In the game, however, is self-discovery for a young person through summer when ‘riddled with anxiety and loneliness’.

Stilstand is based on the work by artist Ida Hartmann (Twitter) and Niila Games, and can I just say, looks stunning in this interactive presentation. Not only does the artwork stand out, but the themes tackle thoughts most of us have, though not everyone gets the help of a shadow monster.

Stilstand - Earth
Earth, as it stands. Source: Steam

In the game, you can expect to see the following:

  • A dark comedy that offers observations of real-life through fantastic events
  • Explores themes of mental health, loneliness and isolation.
  • Flip through the pages of an interactive graphic novel and watch it come to life as you play.
  • Search for love and adventures, send text messages and scroll through strange social media feeds
  • Play meaningful and unique mini-games.
  • Detailed and expressive black and white illustrations.
  • A genre-bending cinematic soundtrack

Life is emotional and fragile, as depicted in the trailer below. It’s funny too:

Out on 27th of August for iOS, Android, and of course, Steam, wishlist Stilstand now for an onslaught of illustrative bliss. Whatever that means.