Stone: A Stoner Noir On The Switch

Stone: A Stoner Noir On The Switch

The Dude meets Sam Spade in an ill-advised wardrobe that only dads would argue is actually cool, Stone hits the Nintendo Switch (and possibly a bong).

Stone follows the path of private investigator, a koala, as he attempts to reverse engineer the night before, in the process realising that his pal Alex is awol.

It’s an adventure game, narrative-driven with a focus on the humour too, so it’s all no-brainer stuff – a must-have, surely?

Stone - Rack
You kiss your mother with that mouth? Source: Convict Games

As I’ve maintained before, this isn’t the BBC – if I like or dislike something, I’ll say and man, do I want to try it out.

Initially scheduled for an autumn release, Convict Games felt that we all needed a boost during the lockdown and have worked their arses off to get it out in the ether.

STONE is an interactive story I’ve always wanted to tell and play. I wrote, direct, programmed, funded and produced the entire project, and it feels incredibly liberating to break free and to release STONE completely independently. 

Greg Louden of Convict Games

Greg, I salute you.

So, it’s a stoner-noir title featuring an array of puzzles that has a focus on music.

Including a soundtrack that includes stoner rock, hip hop and more, while I’m not expecting to hear Electric Wizard or The Pharcyde, there are some licensed artists in there too.

Before I can come across as any more of a fanboy, look at the keywords that Greg used in an explanation of the game:

  • Charles Bukowski
  • Hunter S. Thompson
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Firewatch
  • Grim Fandango

I’m there.

Stone is out now on the Nintendo Switch, and I’ll be aiming to review this asap – at the least, playing it solely for myself.