Strangeland Walkthrough

Already struggling with Strangeland? Here's a Strangeland walkthrough that will see you to the end, but note it's not for 100% achievements - a heads up.

Strangeland Walkthrough

Here’s a Strangeland walkthrough to accompany the review, only read this if you need the help or get a kick out of game spoilers. I mentioned it in the review and will remind you later on, do go through the annotations and commentary in the game – it’s really interesting!

The accompanying video took about three attempts as my recording software kept packing up, and on one occasion, the game froze in Deadland, where you throw stones in the gallery.

Here’s a Strangeland walkthrough video version if you prefer:

I’m no walkthrough pro, so there are mistakes, and a heads up: this isn’t for 100% achievement, just to get you through to the end and see one of the multiple endings. It’s a brilliant game, and I hope that you at least try it before following the steps in this Strangeland walkthrough.

If you like this game, why not check out Wormwood Studio’s previous title, Primordia. Review (and possible walkthrough) to follow soon.

Strangeland Walkthrough

Strangeland walkthrough - Personal nightmare
Personal nightmare. Source: Screen capture

Go up from the well.
Look in the hole at the tent.
Take the rat.
Go left and use the gun to play the shooting gallery.
Click on the skull that lights up (within the target) to open the drawer.
Take the bottle.
Go right, then answer the phone by the well.
Up again, then go right to meet the Scribe.
Ask the Scribe about the doves, say ‘yes’ when he asks if they’re here, then pick up the meat he throws.
Exit the scene and go back to the well.
Now left, and left again to meet the dog.
Give the meat to the dog, then pick up the spike.
Interact with the dog a couple of times, so it attacks.

When you respawn, pick up the rocks immediately in front of you.
Go back to the Scribe. Ask for some more bread (meat).
Throw a stone at the crow, aim at the head.
** You should be able to pick up the note that the Scribe writes, but I cocked up the order, so go back to the furnace (to the left of the well). **

Speak to the furnace and talk about the anvil, then ask him to make something.
Go back to the Scribe.
Throw a stone at the crow and aim at the head.
Pick up the ‘beak’ paperwork.
Throw a stone once more, this time at the claws, then pick up the paperwork.
Back to the furnace and place the spike on the anvil.
Use the beak paperwork on 83, so he makes a blade.
Go to your inventory and use the blade on the rat to reveal the coins.
Now combine the poison with the meat and give it to the black dog in the scene to the left.

At the well, use the coins on the fortune-teller.
You may as well go through all fates now. You can select whatever you want, but make a note of what you choose as you’ll need this later on in the game for an achievement.
Here’s what I selected:

  • Past – hermit – star – empress
  • Present – hanged man – wheel – hierophant
  • Future – fool – judgment – devil

After future, there will be a subtle reference to your next goal, which is making a call.
Go to the phone and use a coin with it.
Dial 4311013 (this is said during the future tarot reading if you listen carefully/put on subtitles).

With the path clear, head to the Valkyrie ride by heading left after the scene with the black dog.
Get into the car, ride to the top, then click on the bar on the corner of the cage.

Strangeland walkthrough - Ride of the Valkyries
Ride of the Valkyries. Source: Screen capture

After respawning, head back to the Scribe and pick up the branch on the floor.
Use the blade on the noose to get the rope.
Get some more ‘bread’ if you’re not already carrying it.
Back to 83 and place the metal bar on the anvil.
Show him the claw order.
Now head right past the well and towards the electrified fence.

Use the grapple on the lever.
Open the gate.
To ‘activate’ the mermaid, you need to light up all the colours on her chest (it’s much easier if you take your time – check the video for a first attempt).
Ask about her thoughts and weapon. Show her your dagger.
Speak with the Lovecraft abomination and anger it (the following answers will make it mad and spray you with acid):

ash – idiot – pentagram – vomit – sponge – magic

Return to your death spot and use your empty bottle on the acid.
Click on the bird and once more to get the skull.
Combine this with your branch.
Go to the furnace and use the branch on 83 to make the torch **
Go back to the Valkyrie ride, so you need the spirits.
Return to the well and use the grapple on it.
When down, pour the acid on the grub, then stick the knife in.
Use the torch on the cage.
Ask about the mermaid, the mermaid’s name, you adn Inside-Rotta.
After he says stuffed with money, exit the conversation to your inventory and combine the coins with the rat. Give it to Rotta.

Back to the mermaid and reveal her name.
Use your torch on all three ‘exhibits’ – the bird, mermaid and the hateful creature in the broken tank.
Down the well and use the torch on Rotta.
Use your new knife on the knot and pick up the golden hair.
Return to the surface and use the torch on Murmur.
Leave the well and go up to the tent and use your knife on the hole.
Use meat on one of the mouths or the teratoma.
Return to the Scribe, ask for the meat, go back and use on a mouth for an auto sequence.
Take the eye, back to the Scribe once more and hand it over to him.
Throw a rock at the crow at his body for it to say wing.
This triggers The Dark Thing.
Once it’s done the deed, use the torch on the Scribe.

Strangeland walkthrough - 83
83. Source: Screen capture

Return to 83 and place the hair on the anvil.
Show the wing order to get the wings.
At the Valkyrie ride, use your torch on the car to light the engine and head back to the top.
Between the gap, use the wings on the Stranger to reach the other side.
When captured by the crab, use the acid on the claw.
Use the torch to blind it.
Throw your knife at the maw.


When respawning without your head, go to the well, walk right and pick up the limb.
Return to the well and use the limb on your head (where Murmur once was).
Go down the pit.
You’ll spin the first time into nothing, then each time the screen changes, there will be a white dot. Click on it each time, and it’ll reveal the cicada.
As you need the stones, you’ll have to die to collect them.
Go to where the black dog was and interact with you/the dog to get killed.
Pick up the rocks.
Return to where the shooting gallery was and throw a stone at the gallery.
You need to click on each of the three skulls so that the power flows through each.
Once the drawer is open, take the bottle.
Back to the pit/well and use the bottle on the regurgitant.
Use that on the anvil where 83 was.
Speak to the skull, then hand over the limb.
Return to the well, go up to where the tent was and investigate the web.
Use the knife on it to get the Homunculus.
Back to the Scribe’s abode.
Use the bottle on the branch below the serpent.
When the poison is full, combine it with the body, go back to the dog, and hand it over.

At the Valkyrie, speak to the three.
To get through, you can just say you don’t remember who was who, but if you want the achievement and been following through, follow the order below:

  • Past Stranger: Hermit
  • Present Stranger: Hanged Man
  • Future Stranger: Fool
Strangeland walkthrough - Self reflection
Self-reflection. Source: Screen capture

Walk up the tracks.
Use the rocks on the non-broken mirrors.
The knife on the eye.
Inside, register your name as ‘your name’.
Enter the doorway.

Keep exiting the room to the right for the pool to fill.
Once it’s full, use the bottle on the water and drink it.
Now do the opposite and keep exiting left until a ladder appears when the water had drained.
Look in all three of the mirrors and click each area with the highlight ‘shard’. There are three each.
After completing, pick up all the shards, and go down the ladder to collect the last.
Up the ladder, and walk around (in any direction) to the mirror with the missing shards.
Line up and rotate the shapes as seen on the screen.
Walk around to the opposite side of the room once more and enter the portal.
At the top of the cage, click on the gate and get ready for a Monkey Island 2 experience.

You can speed up some scenes once you have the knife by attempting to kill yourself, rather than waiting about for… a few seconds.

Pick up the claws by 83.
Take the dagger near the mermaid.
Use the dagger on the noose.
Combine the claws and noose to make a grapple.
Use the grapple on the wings above the Valkyrie ride.
Once you respawn at the gap, use the wings to fly to the other side.

Strangeland walkthrough - Wings
Wings. Source: Screen capture

After the cutscenes where it’s the three of you left, save your game as there are three potential endings (that I’ve found thus far – I only need two more achievements for 100% – one of them is dying in every possible way!)

  1. Use the knife on The Dark Thing.
  2. Use the knife on the Stranger.
  3. Use the orb on the Stranger.

Try them all to see which you like best!

I hope this has helped somewhat. When you’re done, do go back and put on the annotations and commentary – it’s well worth it.