Meet A New Teenage Homeowner In Survival Horror Stray Souls

Meet A New Teenage Homeowner In Survival Horror Stray Souls
Source: Steam

It wasn’t easy for me to delve into the press for Stray Souls, what with it being a horror and all. However, making references to Silent Hill had me at ‘shit my pants’, and I had to have a look at it. Man, this looks really freaky…

From Jukai Studio and the ever-prolific Versus Evil, this ‘nightmarish’ psychological thriller serves up plenty of paranormal experiences for those with the guts to experience it. It’s made with Unreal 5, giving a super realistic aesthetic.

You play Daniel – a teenager who has inherited a home from his estranged grandmother(!). Naturally, he moves in, and before he can set up a keg party, he meets Martha (always Martha…), and she knows a few too many secrets about the dwellings, which Daniel can’t seem to outrun.

Key features include:

  • Explore the town of Aspen Falls and surrounding areas to uncover a malevolent plot set in motion at Daniel’s birth.
  • Immerse yourself in Daniel’s story. Choose responses at key moments through branching dialogue options, shaping Daniel’s tone and personality.
  • Fight hordes of nasty creatures or run for your life. Simplified combat without massive loadouts puts the focus on strategizing combat tactics and resource management.
  • Solve dozens of clever puzzles with out of the box solutions to test your wit.
  • Randomized systems ensure that enemy encounters, item locations, changing weather patterns, and strange phenomena aall occur at various places, making each playthrough unique.

Here’s the trailer for Stray Souls:

Stray Souls is set for a release later this year on PC, PlayStation and Xbox. You can add to your wishlist now – deets below.