Super Meat Boy Forever On Switch And PC, All Meat, No Vegetables

Super Meat Boy Forever On Switch And PC, All Meat, No Vegetables
Source: PR

Happy to go on record in saying that Super Meat Boy is one of my all-time favourite games and stoked for Super Meat Boy Forever. While waiting for a 90GB game to install, when the fam are out and about or simply because I want to indulge in some quality gaming, Super Meat Boy is at the top of the pile.

We all know that Super Meat Boy Forever is in the pipeline and now there’s an official date for the Nintendo Switch: the 23rd of December, with the PlayStation and Xbox versions out the following month.

It’s been ten long years since Team Meat’s first outing and the practically perfect platformer trickled over to all platforms for all to enjoy, while pulling out their hair and ripping off their skin, dousing themselves in salt to feel like the beloved protagonist. Just me?

Super Meat Boy Forever - Classic meat
Classic meat. Source: PR

If you’re ill-informed (shame on you), Meat Boy has finished his stint in puberty and hit the gym, growing in one area – an oversized fist that, ahem, packs a punch. Despite the bulk, he’s more agile than before.

In the decade that’s gone, Super Meat Boy Forever follows the ‘launch’ of Meat Boy and Bandage Girl’s child, Nugget. Predictably, Dr Fetus has kidnapped them, so the duo, as well as some new characters from the Meat Boy Cinematic Universe make an appearance too.

Other than a few new introductions, the same winning formula exists, and Team Meat hasn’t overdone it on gimmicks and over-the-top visuals, though it does look good. Arguably one of the most exciting aspects is the number of levels. The developers boast that you can ‘replay Super Meat Boy Forever from start to finish several times before ever seeing a duplicate level’.

Trailer time?

You may have noted that the opener said Super Meat Boy Forever is coming to the Switch on the 23rd of December, but that applies to PC as well, launching on the Epic Games Store the same day. There’s currently a 10% pre-order available too!