Super Rare Games Upcoming Games For 2021

Super Rare Games Upcoming Games For 2021
Source: PR

Super Rare Games have some corkers coming to the Switch in their exclusive physical editions.

According to the info released, there are some other surprises, but here are the announcements thus far:

  • ABZÛ
  • Deponia Collection
    • Deponia
    • Chaos on Deponia 
    • Goodbye Deponia
    • Deponia Doomsday
  • Super Crush KO
  • Vigil The Longest Night
Abzû - Ray
Ray. Source: PR

That’s a pretty decent line-up. Two of the games, ABZÛ and INMOST are reviewed on this very site, and in short, I recommend both. I’m still playing through the Deponia Collection, which I have on PS4, but never have the time to sit down and go through.

Super Crush KO is a game I’ve covered elsewhere, and it’s a lot of fun. No idea about Vigil The Longest Night – that’s a new one for me. Apparently, it’s a 2D action RPG, and it looks like it’ll look good on your shelf with all your other physical editions.

Super Rare Games teamed up with Nintendrew to cover these. Instead of listing every game, have a look at the summary in the following video:

For more details on actual dates and all, go to Super Rare Games’ official website.