Tad: The Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet Set For Adventure This Year

Tad: The Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet
Source: Steam

I’ll tell you what, Tad: The Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet looks way better than it sounds. The first few lines of ‘family-friendly action adventure’ sometimes spell a monotonous yarn, but this looks alright.

A puzzled-infused platform adventure, players will visit the likes of Paris, Veracruz, Chicago and El Cairo, searching for the emerald tablet and saving their friends (not in real life). Tad is the cause of their supposed doom, having unleashed an ancient curse. Silly sausage.

Key features in Tad: The Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet include:

  • Join Tad in his quest to retrieve the Emerald Tablet. Explore four different locations (Veracruz, Chicago, Paris, El Cairo) with your friends in an epic journey.
  • Immerse in Tad’s world. Traverse platforming sections, climb buildings and even swim among piranhas to solve an ancient mystery. 
  • Find the lost relics and collect brushes. Solve puzzles to discover every hidden treasure in each of the four locations.
  • Enjoy reading Tad’s comic books. Follow the adventures of Tad, Sara, Jeff, and Belzoni in the comic books that you will find along the game.

This is the trailer that made me think it looks like fun:

From Gammera Nest and SelectaVision, Tad: The Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet will get a release for both the PS4, Nintendo Switch and Steam later this year.