You're A Vampire Therapist. How Does That Make You Feel?
Earn your credentials as a vampire therapist in the game of the same name: Vampire Therapist - thoughts on a preview build for Steam.
Earn your credentials as a vampire therapist in the game of the same name: Vampire Therapist - thoughts on a preview build for Steam.
SelectaPlay get distribution rights for Asia territories for Broken Bird Games' psychological horror, Luto.
KARMA: The Dark World - A psychological cinematic thriller set in a dystopian East Germany, and ruled by an evil corporation. Cheer up - it's not all that bad!
You think you have problems, what kind of emotional baggage are vampires carrying? Find out in Vampire Therapist...
After witnessing the brutal murder of her parents, Fran Bow has to face reality head-on, but it's so clouded with disturbing imagery that she'll need Mr. Midnight's help.
Time to face your inner demons, and those outside of your control in indie horror, Decarnation - one of the best indies of 2023.
After Patrick's family goes missing, he still hear's their voices, plus many others in Paranoid - a first-person combat horror game on Steam.
Experience a lucid dream, innermost secrets and more in indie psychological horror Afterdream, out now on the Switch.
An ancient relic from the year 2018? Here's a look at Call of Cthulhu - one of those games in the backlog that has now been completed. Is it any good though?