Alwa's Legacy Review: A Heavenly Platformer
An essential purchase for platform fans, here's an Alwa's Legacy review for the Nintendo Switch.
An essential purchase for platform fans, here's an Alwa's Legacy review for the Nintendo Switch.
Retro-inspired RPG Ocean’s Heart is a link to the past with its Zelda aesthetic.
Another feature, this time it's 34 Amiga games I'd like to see on the Switch. If anyone with the power happens to be reading.
My first impressions of Total Arcade Racing was Super Cars, back on the Amiga, then a little Super Sprint, so it was rewarding to see in the promo material that the game was influenced by these excellent titles. If you missed out on these games the first time (do let...
Currently in Early Access, Paradox Vector is a throwback to 80s vector titles using impossible geometry.
A Night Trap Switch review, well, the 25th Anniversary Edition. Are we really that old?)
Remember XIII? Well, it’s back with a remake, out later this year on consoles, PC and Mac and it’s super shiny! Hopefully, you paid attention in school to understand the basics of roman numerals. However, if you were too busy getting off with someone behind the bike sheds...
Pixel Ripped 1995: Ahh, the 90s in VR.
A classic reimagined? Streets of Rage 4 hits the streets for multiple platforms and it's a belter. Literally.