

50 posts
The Survios VR Power Pack Launches Into The EU

The Survios VR Power Pack Launches Into The EU

The Survios VR Power Pack bundle has been announced for the PSVR from developers Survios and Perp Games. Everyone likes old(ish) news, right? I’ve been juggling with a bout of carpal tunnel or similar these past couple of weeks, so my productivity has been a little weak, but...

Lost Wing Finds Its Way To Multiple Platforms This Month

Lost Wing Finds Its Way To Multiple Platforms This Month

Hey, little Lost Wing. Looking for a platform to launch on? How about all of them by the end of the month? Due for a 2019 release, Lost Wing was held back following feedback from the closed beta community for new tracks, modes and ships. Now it features procedurally generated...

XIII Remaster Proves It's Not An Unlucky Number

XIII Remaster Proves It's Not An Unlucky Number

Remember XIII? Well, it’s back with a remake, out later this year on consoles, PC and Mac and it’s super shiny! Hopefully, you paid attention in school to understand the basics of roman numerals. However, if you were too busy getting off with someone behind the bike sheds...

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