arcade We Are Wild Stallions! (Referred To By HIM): Narita Boy Game Review It was the ‘Narita’ in Narita Boy that first caught my attention. Would you be playing a high school kid on the fringes of Chiba, or would it be a more international assumption that the place is just an airport, and in this game you play a baggage handler? Fortunately
Narita Boy Narita Boy Gets A Release Date Narita Boy deserves all the hype it gets – especially after playing the demo, so it’s not just speculation. In fact, it was part of my ones to watch on Steam, but also available for consoles too. This a collaboration between Studio Koba and Team17 – the former basing some of
arcade Narita Boy Is A Stunning Retro Throwback Set In The Digital Kingdom You can’t use a claim to fame as saying you lived near, and regularly visited the place that a game title is based on, but the moment I saw Narita Boy, I started reminiscing of the local shops and shrines – it’s not just an airport, y’know. The