Tales From Off-Peak City Vol 1 Update To Make Things Even Quirkier

Tales From Off-Peak City Vol 1 Update To Make Things Even Quirkier
Source: Steam

Recently released, there’s a Tales From Off-Peak City Vol 1 update out now for Steam and Itch.io.

What the heck is this? Whatever it is, I want to dive into this quirky world of weirdos and unorthodox pizza toppings.

From the opening track that sounds like a different take on Outkast’s Elevators, I dropped everything I was doing, my hands as I was typing this, and was captivated with the trailer.

Tales From Off-Peak City Vol 1 - Pizza maker
Magic pizza toppings. Source: Steam

Tales From Off-Peak City Vol 1 is a critically-acclaimed first-person adventure game from Cosmo D Studios where the plot revolves around obtaining a saxophone for local pizza maker, Caetano Grosso.

But this isn’t an announcement about a new game, but an update.

In this latest version, players dive deeper into the world of pizza delivery, meeting some oddball characters along the way. New key characters have been introduced, with hints of vol 2.

The Tales From Off-Peak City Vol 1 update features the following:

  • Embark on new pizza delivery, featuring previously unexplored environments.
  • Meet original key characters that expand the world of Off-Peak City.
  • Two new photo filters.
  • Two new music tracks – one for pizza making and one soundtracking your latest pizza delivery.
  • Enhanced finale.
  • Free for all current and future owners.

With new photo filters and soundtracks, existing owners can experience the update for free. Here’s what you’re missing if you don’t have it yet:

The Tales From Off -Peak City Vol 1 update is out now. If you don’t have this in your collection, you can either purchase from the Steam page or Itch.io. At the very least, play the demo!