Use Your Words Once More In Tappy Word For The Switch

Calling all wordsmiths; Tappy Word is a Countdown-like puzzler for the Nintendo Switch, cheap as chips, and available now.

Use Your Words Once More In Tappy Word For The Switch

Tappy Word could be one of the shortest reviews I’ve written, which might be counterintuitive as this puzzle game from Thalamus Digital is all about building your vocabulary. Concise. There you go.

Well, it differs from their other outing, which was Easy Japanesey. The latter was a quiz on Japanese characters and working towards an actual proficiency exam. This, on the other hand, is a variation of Countdown.

There. Targeting a tiny minority of readers who might know what I’m talking about.

Tappy Word Switch Review - Modal
Modal. Source: PR

Tappy Word Switch Review: Wordsmith

The challenge is this: you’re presented with a sequence of letters and have to make as many words as possible before the timer runs out, and ideally, the longer, the better. That doesn’t mean you can make words up in Tappy Word – they have to be legit, but the more words you can make, and the larger they are, the greater the score.

Unfortunately, this was a reality check as I was averaging four-letter works, and no, not those that begin with F or C, but short, pithy words to move things along. There’s a technique to it, and I’m not entirely sure how to do it yet, but let’s say I’m pretty rubbish at the game. 

Tappy Word is fun in short bursts, and while there are a handful of options in the game, they’re relatively the same as the last and just a light variation. Also, the UI is the same as Easy Japanesey and, as a result, has put me off some of the other titles as it’s a one-size-fits-all. The music was irritating this time around as well.

Tappy Word Switch Review - Learn the ropes
Learn the ropes. Source: PR

Still, Tappy Word is entertaining but would probably be better suited as a mobile game than the Switch. It’s touchscreen-enabled and all, but because of the short doses of play, it’s something you’d take out of your pocket while on a train, waiting for a Tinder meet, or to kill time on the school run. Whipping out the Switch seems a bit gung-ho.