Travel To New Caledonia With Tchia - Coming To PS4 And PS5

Travel To New Caledonia With Tchia - Coming To PS4 And PS5
Source: PR

One good thing about writing about games than making videos is I don’t have to worry about mispronouncing games like Tchia. It’s probably not that hard to say, but you never know if you’re calling someone’s nan a twat.

Set in New Caledonia, the home of developers AwacebTchia is a tropical adventure that draws upon the very beautiful real-life experience of this archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean.

Tchia - Not Moana
Not Moana. Source: PR

The game features many aspects of the area – from flora and fauna to music, languages and folklore. In the PlayStation blog, the developers say:

A fair comparison for our approach is how Studio Ghibli treats Japanese culture in some of their films. They are fantastical places but definitely “feel” very japanese in many ways, and that makes for some super fascinating worlds. 

Focusing on exploration, Tchia, the titular character, can climb anything she stumbles upon and even glide around, taking in the very many beautiful sites. There will be puzzles, secrets, and even a rhythm section where she’ll whip out her ukelele and play a tune?!

Check out the Tchia trailer below:

No release date just yet, but the game will be coming to the PS4 and the PS5, and if the screenshots are anything to go by, this will be a very memorable experience.