Teenage Blob - Bands, Butts and Battletoads

Teenage Blob - Bands, Butts and Battletoads
Source: PR

Without reading anything (I can’t actually read), I clicked the promo video for Teenage Blob and found myself hoping that the soundtrack featured in the game, not paying attention to the gameplay.

Good news: Teenage Blob labels itself as half game, half album. Sounds like a plan and just looking at the footage in the game (Paperboy – or even the VideoKid reference), this title from Team Lazerbeam looks a lot of fun where you need to play the game loud.

A collaboration between the band The Superweaks who made six new songs, and Team Lazerbeam who created six new games, they’ve made a game with ‘a tale of bands, butts and bootleg Battletoads’. Let’s just hope the game isn’t as hard as the latter.

Teenage Blob - Paperbutt
Paperbutt. Source: PR

You play the Teenage Blob of the title, keen to see their favourite band. Before they can do this, they need to buy some new boots (naturally), so you have to guide this amorphous teen to showcasing the best outfit.

When was the music about the look though? This kid’s already sold out faster than Metallica and the St. Anger album. N.B. As a lifelong Metallica fan, I like the album and used this as a cheap dig. 

Special features anyone?

  • A unique music/ game hybrid!
  • 6 radical Superweaks songs & 6 genre-busting Team Lazerbeam games!
  • Combines elements of dating sims, RPGs, rhythm games & arcade classics! 
  • Hand-crafted with love and teenage punk rock dreams

Arguably, this collab is deemed a split – which features in the write-up. In summary: 

…is a long running DIY indie/punk tradition, it’s a collaborative release featuring songs by two or more bands. Typically each band takes a side of the record/tape, although some splits have seen bands alternating between tracks, remixing/ covering each other’s songs, or even joining forces to record new ones.

Like your music? One of my favourite splits was Discordance Axis/Melt-Banana. If you’re open to grindcore and hate your neighbours, look it up.

Yes, this is a game site, but I LOVE my music, and I’d recommend listening to their tunes. After you’ve done that, check out the trailer:

Teenage Blob is out now on Steam. Go get yourself some new boots.