The Best Early Access Titles Of 2021

Age Of Darkness Final Stand Early Access - Here they come
Here they come. Source: Steam

After fast-tracking my hands to another bout of CTS mixed up with a splash of tendonitis, I’ve finished my 2021 GOTY and now have an honourable mentions list to do as well, as there have been so many games.

This feature is slightly different as I’ve decided to compile an Early Access list of games from 2021 that have been a standout for me and that I’d like to share with you.

Whether you want to take a risk and go Early Access, or simply wishlist any titles from here, marvellous. I’m not on commission, I like to be mildly helpful now and again and hope that my recommendations find you a new title to enjoy. That’s all.

Almighty: Kill Your Gods

Almighty Kill Your Gods Early Access
Source: Screen capture

This Early Access title made me a little sick – genuinely. That’s probably not the best example to begin with, but I spent so many hours playing this game that I got a little distracted with time and incurred a migraine. It was that engaging.

Was it worth the migraine? No, but it is a game I think that is well worth adding to your list – especially if you have friends to play with. In terms of upgrades, the depth of this game is insane, and as a solo player, this meant the first 15 hours were just a peek through the window. I hadn’t even been invited in yet.

It’s been a while since I played this, only because I consume far too many games, but there was a flaw with it that was quite frustrating: ragdolling. No doubt it’s been sorted now, but it wasn’t enough to dissuade me from continuing. Check it out.

Read the Almighty: Kill Your Gods preview.

Draft of Darkness

Draft Of Darkness Early Access
Source: Steam

I’ve already made it clear numerous times how good this game is. A conspiracy awaits, and the grotesque are invading everyday life, so you assemble a crew of survivors to find answers and, well, survive!

Another demo experience that instantly put this on the watchlist, this is a game you want to seek out if you like deck-building and rogue-likes rolled into one (ha! oh wait, there’s no dice). More so if you’re a fan of the PlayStation One aesthetic.

Read the Draft of Darkness preview.

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

Bang-On Balls Chronicles
Source: PR

I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t make its way onto consoles in 2022. It simply oozes console gaming and is super accessible to a wide range of players, and features some gorgeous open-world gameplay with a heap of customisations.

Considering the success of Astrobot and similar, this has the hallmarks of being a classic if enough players get to experience this. Should a demo become available, give it a whirl, otherwise keep your eye on this multiplayer platform game as the potential is enormous.

Read the Bang-On Balls: Chronicles preview.

Black Skylands

Black Skylands coming to Early Access
Source: Steam

Wasn’t this one being classed as a steampunk title? Perhaps. While I think of it, check out Glitchpunk, too, pending the glitches have been ironed out. Back to tinyBuild’s title…

It’s a top-down adventure set up in the clouds, very reminiscent of classic GTA; only it’s all airships and steampunk. With lots of explorative options, if you’re a fan of 2D adventures, this might be one for you. Lots of ‘ifs’ in this feature…

Read the Black Skylands preview.

Despot’s Game

Despot's Game Early Access
Source: Steam

What’s more hilarious: sending in a bunch of disposable, nameless humans to their demise or the narrative paths that follow? tinyBuild features again in this list, this time with Konfa Games ‘follow up’ to Despotism 3K.

You’ll get a bunch of hairless mortals to go on a dungeon crawl, and it’s up to you to keep them alive and gutted out in the most elaborate gear known to… humanity. Magic builds, boxes, sword wielders – they all have their use. Run out of options? Make them into a burger.

Read the Despot’s Game preview.

Festival Tycoon

Festival Tycoon Early Access
Source: Steam

If you like music and the festival scene but don’t want to muddy up your boots, why not try out Festival Tycoon? Bloody hell, another ‘if’. Anyway, this solo dev outing is brilliant, and one could easily play this day in, day out.

Start your own festival hiring the bands, sign for sponsorship deals, ‘decorate’ the event with all the right amenities, then sit back and watch them roll in as if Woodstock were a boy scout venture. With heaps of updates on the roadmap, this one’s a no-brainer as far as I’m concerned.

Read the Festival Tycoon preview.

Honey, I Joined A Cult

Honey, I Joined A Cult Early Access
Source: Steam

This is excellent. Netflix viewers will have seen their fair share of cult-like documentaries to be an expert, but there’s nothing like the <ahem> real thing: start your own! Don’t do that, get Honey, I Joined A Cult.

Pick a deity to worship and determine the garb that the followers will wear, then spread the good word (and make some money) to build a vast development that embraces this new way of life (ensuring you stockpile a heap of cash in the process).

With a wicked sense of humour and a great deal of depth to the gameplay, I wholeheartedly recommend this one.

Read the Honey, I Joined A Cult preview.

The Crackpet Show

The Crackpet Show Early Access - Po Po
Source: Steam

The Crackpet Show has me under the thumb as it’s a title I’ve been playing more than anything else of late. Pick a cute little animal, then send them to their death or ‘legacy’ by entering a gameshow arena and earning fans through some boss-crushing action.

Like Smash TV meets Happy Tree Friends, The Crackpet Show is a rogue-like where you keep the currency you make so that you can invest in perks, passive boosts, upgraded items and weapons. This game has so many guns to choose from that each time you think you’ve found the right one, a new BFG equivalent will enter the frame.

Highly recommended, and excluding the upcoming seasons, characters and weapons, this does not feel like an Early Access title whatsoever.

Read The Crackpet Show preview.

Doors of Insanity

Doors of Insanity
Source: PR

I’m glad I’ve been able to put this down for now as I was addicted to this as much as Great Hero’s Beard. I’d go as far as to say that One Shark has a decent track record for creating games for developing an addiction (a gaming one, mind).

The point of the game is to crawl a dungeon collecting cards and using them to fight your way through to some nasty so-and-sos. Besides the wicked humour and elaborate perks, the artwork here is superb. Anyone with a penchant for Cuphead and vintage cartoons will be talking about their boner.

Read the Doors of Insanity preview.

Not For Broadcast

Not For Broadcast
Source: PR

Having had a stint at video editing (VHS!) in the past, Not For Broadcast was more on par with a horror game as you steadily edit a live broadcast, cutting out swear words, switching to the right cameras and cueing up the commercials.

But this Early Access experience, for me, is flawless. The quality of acting and the concept are something else. Why, oh why can’t we have more FMV titles like this? Simply stunning, and for a game that relies on timing, the comedy timing of the game is impeccable.

Read the Not For Broadcast preview.

Age of Darkness: Final Stand

Age Of Darkness Final Stand Early Access - The elite
The elite. Source: Steam

This game may get me into a lot of trouble – whether that be not spending enough time with the kids or being late for meetings as I’m too busy bracing myself for the night.

Yes, point and click titles are my favourite, but I have had a weakness for RTS games ever since Dune 2 on the Amiga. When the inevitable darkness arrives, all hell breaks loose, and you have to fend of 1000s (no exaggeration) of creatures as they attempt to wipe out humanity.

This goes back to the golden age of Command & Conquer, but with a medieval spin that isn’t too far off from Game of Thrones, what with the use of torches and being outnumbered. Quite possibly one of the best upcoming games for 2022; keep your eye on it.

Read the Age of Darkness: Final Stand preview.

And that, friends, is my pick of Early Access titles of 2021. There will inevitably be titles I’ve missed through not playing them; they’ve since been released in full or not on the list because my hands are killing me, and I want to go back and play some games.

You should check them out – whether that be watching some streamers or wishlisting them, I think they’re worth it.

Ok, cheers for reading this bit.