The Caretaker Cleans Up The Streets Of Red Chapel Via Steam

The Caretaker Cleans Up The Streets Of Red Chapel Via Steam
Source: PR

Never short of a dungeon crawler, this month sees the launch of The Caretaker on PC. A dungeon – ah, just wrote that. A top-down shooter featuring the Accidental Apocalypse. They can’t always be planned.

Having a sneaky-sneaky at the moving images trailer, this game looked awfully like another game I’ve played (which warrants a review at some point) of a space invaders game with a similar aesthetic: It Came From Space and Ate Our Brains

This title is from Squid Monkey Studios, a solo developer based in Ireland, who also developed Arc Savior – which looks like a pretty good Starwing-type game.

The Caretaker - Ooh it got dark
Ooh, things got dark. Source: PR

Inspired by survival horror titles and how they’re typically first or third-person view, developer Nik said this:

I played with the idea of blending it with a top-down style of gameplay and found that the blend was received rather well. The narrative was inspired from exaggerating on my own personal experiences. I really wanted to tell a story that showed the cause and affect of someone’s arrogance and ambition.

When The Caretaker launches, players will experience the small city of Red Chapel, abandoned by humanity after an unknown disaster. Cue some mutants, blasting and interactive puzzles, and we have ourselves a game.

Here’s The Caretaker game trailer:

Available on Steam from the 30th of April, link below.