The Evil One Comic Book And Board Game Content

The Evil One
Source: RedDeer Games

Having secured a 20-year licence for The Evil One, by Leopold Tyrmand, RedDeer Games are going to town by offering YOU a chance to create a comic book and/or board game for their latest contest.

For the deets on the upcoming game, you can read about it here.

The Evil One Comic Book

The Evil One comic
Source: RedDeer Games

This needs to be ‘a faithful or a loose adaptation of a book’, which can be in short or long form. Note that the minimum is seven pages.

It needs to be sent via email (no SAE required) in PDF and a preview version of 150 DPI, emailed to by the 30th of September 2022, together with an application form. If co-authors are involved, each needs to complete a form. The awards are as follows:

  • 1st prize is €1000
  • 2nd prize is€800
  • 3rd prize is €500

The ‘best’ comic will be published and globally distributed. For competition rules, check out The Evil One content page.

The Evil One Board Game

The Evil One board game
Source: RedDeer Games

The second is the board game. Once again, this needs to be loosely based or faithful to The Evil One. It needs to have the rules for the fight between good and evil, can be any number of players, but the game time must be a minimum of 30 minutes play. The prize?

  • €2085 for the best prototype and a chance to have it published with RedDeer Games.

You’ll need to complete an application form and email by the 31st of October 2022 for a chance to be entered. The Evil One board game rules can be found here.

And that’s your lot. Go check out those links and get designing if this sounds good to you. Do note that I’m merely reporting the PR I received – I’m not affiliated with this in any way, nor can I answer any questions you have. Perhaps “Where do babies come from?”, as I’ve seen a video.