The Galactic Junkers Have A Price On Their Head

The Galactic Junkers Have A Price On Their Head
Source: Steam

Space Crew shouldn’t be a name that’s hard to recall, but I just had to search my own site for it. Why? Well, the upcoming The Galactic Junkers reminded me of it. Quite a bit, and all in a good way.

Expected on PC and consoles later in the year, you’ll get to command a spaceship fighting for survival against bounty hunters, space pirates and the Galactic Union, all gunning for your head. What did you do?!

Commanding a ship is just part of this comedic action-adventure, with a focus on combat. Upgrade your ship, hire new crew, loot, toot and find out what you did that warrants a price on your head.

Key features in The Galactic Junkers include:

  • Explore – Take a journey across the solar system exploring all nine planets and their neighbouring sectors. Discover mysterious asteroids, creaking space stations, abandoned shipwrecks, deadly pirates and much more. 
  • Mine, Salvage, Steal, and Trade – Running a spaceship is never easy and there’s always bills to pay. Keep your bank balance looking healthy by mining asteroids, salvaging derelicts, and trading with disreputable characters. Maybe you’ll even partake in a little theft, but don’t worry – we don’t tell anyone.
  • Battle and Board Enemy Ships – Space is a deadly place so you’ll have to fight for your life. Set your crew to operate the guns and show those pesky pirates what you are made of! Board enemy ships to smash and grab essential resources or hack systems from the shadows.
  • Hire and Maintain your Crew – A happy ship needs a happy crew, so look after your band of useful idiots. Nurture their skills to keep everything running smoothly, or if you don’t like them, show them the airlock and hire new crew. 
  • Buy, Upgrade, and Repair Ships – Maybe you need a little more juice in the engine department or your guns are falling short. Upgrade your ship to take control of the sector and make a name for yourself. Or if you prefer something a little fancier, trade in your ship for a better model. Just don’t forget your maintenance routines!
  • Protect You and Your Ship at all Costs – Try not to get yourself blown up, captured, or otherwise incapacitated. We’re counting on you to find the truth behind the bounty on your head and see if there’s a bigger destiny for you out there. Explore strange new worlds, meet weird new people, try dodgy food, and boldly fumble where no space captain has fumbled before, just don’t get your exhaust ports blown off!

Here’s The Galactic Junkers trailer thus far:

There isn’t a date for The Galactic Junkers yet, but expect to see it later in 2022 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and the Switch. More details as and when.