The Garden Path Looks To Bloom On Kickstarter

The Garden Path Looks To Bloom On Kickstarter
Source: PR

Life sims shouldn’t replicate the stresses of real life – we can go outside for that. Instead, they should be cosy, comforting and offer escapism – quite possibly the ingredients from The Garden Path.

The visuals are immediately striking as if watching one of your favourite children’s books coming to life. It’s no surprise that solo developer(!) Louis Durrant (a.k.a. carrotcake) is an illustrator too.

The Garden Path - How does your garden grow_
How does your garden grow? Source: PR

The Garden Path unsurprisingly is about the joys of gardening, focusing on quiet moments and tranquillity. Quite frankly, the promo could have been one still with these words, and I’d be on board.

It’s about tending to your garden, growing flowers, fishing and making friends at a pace suited to you. Your garden is as organic as its real life counterpart and will grow with you, based on your design.

Features include:

  • A humble gardening life-sim with real-time progress even when you’re away.
  • Rich illustrated visuals and original soundtracks that draw you in.
  • A charming cast of characters, all with their own unique personalities and stories to tell. Some of your vegetable-headed friends may even decide to move in!
  • Plant seeds, watch them grow, then harvest them for materials to use later.
  • Go fishing and score a big catch, collect dustflies, and trade your findings for new items.
  • Collect furniture, then decorate the garden and your tent to make it feel like home.

Check out The Garden Path trailer here:

It’s currently in a Kickstarter campaign to help Louis finish the game, bring it to more platforms and languages. At the minute, it’s targeted at the PC and Linux.

You can play the playable demo of The Garden Path on as well.