The Gunk Gets A Photo Op

The Gunk Review - Yo Team
Yo, team. Source: PR

What’s this? The Gunk is getting its first update from Image and Form Games and it’s a new game feature and localisation? It might be time to check for the Golden Hour and go back in to get some pics.

In the game you play salvager Reni, along with her partner Becks. They land on an unknown planet and manage to find an untapped reserve that could make them rich, solving their financial woes. They didn’t realise that the place is covered with gunk and sucking the life force out of the planet. Time to clean up…

If you didn’t read The Gunk review, it’s very good. The game, not necessarily the review. The visuals and relationship between the pair are lovely, and gameplay, while on the simple side, it’s enjoyable. It’s not one of those games that’ll frustrate you and one you’re likely to revisit, especially with the new photo mode.

A common request from the community, players can return to the game and take and edit some snaps to share with others. Additionally, the game receives four new languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, simplified Chinese, and Russian. 

Here’s a trailer (an old one) of The Gunk if you’ve been living in it for the past three months:

The Gunk, from Thunderful Games, is available on Xbox and PC via the Game Pass. Give it a look if you have the pass enabled.