The Hand Of Merlin Feeds Console Gamers Next Month

The Hand Of Merlin Feeds Console Gamers Next Month
An abomination! Source: Steam

Oh dear, getting behind on some gaming news! Did you hear that The Hand of Merlin is launching on PC and consoles next month? If it wasn’t for being so bloomin’ well busy, I’d be at the frontlines to play this on the PlayStation.

Covered in the Early Access stages, this rogue-lite RPG from Room-C Games is bloody tough but rewarding nonetheless. None of the multiple playthroughs I ‘attempted’ resembled the last, and that’s a good thing.

In this recent(!) announcement, The Hand of Merlin Version 1.0 will feature all the major updates launched thus far on PC, including meta progression, passive skills, alternate maps, varied difficulty modes (yay), and an overhaul of the VFX.

We’re excited to be able to announce that The Hand of Merlin will be a multi-platform release that includes console and PC, merging a heavy dose of dark Sci-fi into traditional Arthurian legend gave us the creative freedom to bring something refreshingly different to the turn-based and squad based RPG genre.

Robert Sajko, Creative Director of Room C Games

Thanks, Robert. Here’s the trailer:

The Hand of Merlin unlocks in full on PC, PS4/5, Xboxeseseses AND the Nintendo Switch on the 14th of June. Write it down.