Is The Jury Out For The Lawyer? Watch The Trailer

Is The Jury Out For The Lawyer? Watch The Trailer
Source: Steam

Who needs a lawyer when you can be one in The Lawyer – an upcoming episodic adventure from ManyDev Studio that’ll be heading to Steam.

Without much in the way of a release date, the skinny is that this will be a crime-based story (obviously) with courtroom drama. Steam indicates a visual novel element, but early impressions give off Deadly Premonition with a hint of Max Payne. Without the guns.

Set in the glorious 90s, the first episode in The Lawyer will be The Red Bathtub – either this will be a homicide or an interior design conference that turns to violence over differing opinions.

Here’s an early trailer:

The Lawyer doesn’t have a date yet, but if you like the looks of this, wishlist it on the ol’ Steamerino platform.