The Light Of The Darkness Shines At DStars Italy, Beta Soon

The Light Of The Darkness Shines At DStars Italy, Beta Soon
Source: Steam

The battle between light and dark is as old as prostitution and just as much appeal. Saying for a friend. The Light of the Darkness is one such tale where Castlevania meets the Legacy of Kain, and it’s going to go beta.

On paper, this new title from Quartomundo seems very much a boilerplate for any good versus evil, Metroidvania with influences from classic titles, and it’s natural to be mildly dismissive. Until you see the gameplay.

The Light Of The Darkness - Shiny
Shiny. Source: Steam

The Light of the Darkness is a great looking game and a little similar in design to the recent Demon Skin. Trailers always highlight the best bits – if not the cinematics. As delicious as they appear, they aren’t always representative of gameplay, whereas this is gameplay footage.

And just a nudge to say that it won the NDGC Season V qualifier at DStars in Italy, making it to the Nordic Game Discovery Content held in November 2021.

We couldn’t be happier with Nordic Game for being accepted at the competition. The Light of The Darkness has been around for a while now, but after winning NGDC during DStars in Italy it is like we are really on the map of Indie Games.

Fernando Rabello, CEO of QUARTOMUNDO

Currently in the alpha stage, The Light of the Darkness is set to hit the beta. To ensure you’re kept up-to-date, go ahead and wishlist it on Steam. Go on, for the children.