The Night Fisherman On Steam, Insert Fishy Pun

The Night Fisherman On Steam, Insert Fishy Pun
Source: PR

The Night Fisherman is a brief narrative-driven scene, available now on Steam and the first in a 12-part series.

If I don’t write this now, I’m going to forget to download it and give it a play – The Night Fisherman is intriguing, in-development, and looks to be an episodic assortment that fundamentally covers humanity.

With only a ten minute or so playthrough, what’s with the hesitation? I could probably play and review in a short space of time, but what’s the rush? The available screenshots look great, and I’m a sucker for narrative-driven games.

The Night Fisherman - Spooked
Spooked. Source: PR

Available on both Steam and ItchThe Night Fisherman is the first story of 12, with a sequel due this month.

Other than eluding to the profession in the title, what’s it about? The Han Solo of night fishermen smugglers, on your approach to the banks of Dover, presumably, a man on a boat approaches you with a shotgun on his back.

Far from a Duke Nukem instalment, the game approaches some genuine issues, and despite its short playthrough, is touted as being an impactful story. Well done, Far Few Giants (Twitter link), but I’d like to play this myself.

Here are some of the main features in the game:

  • Intense maritime story set in the English channel.
  • Surreal, beautiful seascape.
  • Choose your fate: will you get out of this alive?
  • Cinematic experience where you direct the camera.
  • Surging orchestral soundtrack by Richard Campbell.
  • An homage to one of cinemas greatest scenes
  • Roughly 5-10 minutes in length.

And here are some night scenes of some fishermen:

The Night Fisherman is out now, so head to the Steam page for more information, and add the sequel to your wishlist. I’ll give my two-penny worth soon.