The Origin Blind Maid Will Counter Cleanliness When It Scares In 2021

The Origin Blind Maid Will Counter Cleanliness When It Scares In 2021
Source: PR

Filling pants for the wrong reasons, The Origin Blind Maid will be heading to PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Steam in 2021.

I don’t want you to think I’m a sage or anything, but it’s Monday, and another horror title has been announced, this time it’s a first-person adventure.

From Warani Studios and Badland Publishing, the game takes place in Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina – which will be refreshing. Other than Sol 75, I haven’t seen many games set here.

The Origin Blind Maid - Basement
What lurks in the basement? Source: PR

Uncovering ‘terrifying myths and legends of universal folklore’, The Origin Blind Maid you actually play a corrupt politician on the run (is there any other kind?). During this escape, he comes across a supernatural entity with a tragic past that is explored over five chapters.

The game is essentially a crime story with supernatural elements located in Gran Chaco. But don’t expect to sit back and absorb the narrative as it seems that every moment will be a fight for your life.

Check out the trailer below:

The Origin Blind Maid is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2021 for all the current generation consoles and also Steam.