The Perfect Pencil Also Offers Immense Depth...

The Perfect Pencil Also Offers Immense Depth...
Source: PR

Before you touch that dial, make a note of the upcoming psychological platformer, The Perfect Pencil. Make that note with an actual pencil on paper, the wall, or your forehead. Just don’t try to be perfect about it.

First impressions of the trailer were…”Ok, this is getting interesting by the frame…”. On the surface, it looks like a quirky platformer, but Studio Cima’s adventure game is meaningful as The Perfect Pencil’s ‘…characters are metaphors and personifications, and not everything is as chaotic as it looks’. But this quote is the cherry on top:

It was born from the idea of telling a personal story of psychological struggle, through interaction with peculiar and multifaceted characters. The video game medium gives the opportunity to create an immersive experience that I hope will allow the players to confront and discover something about themselves while building their own personal path. The Perfect Pencil is our attempt at creating a unified narrative experience that encapsulates a vulnerable, beautiful element of the human condition.

Stefano Rauzi, Studio Director

Now watch the pretty pictures:

The Perfect Pencil is coming to Steam and the Nintendo Switch. To add it to your wishlist, press the button (psssst: the link below).